SEC Disclosures
Elevate your public company intelligence for proactive compliance
Leverage our AI and machine learning technology for precision search and analysis of 20 million+ SEC EDGAR documents and 350+ form types from 1994 forward for all U.S. publicly traded companies. Our industry-leading features such as searching footnotes to financials and form itemizations and filtering by tables and quantification allow you to target your search and eliminate false positives.

AI search features to help guide your research
Smart Search Tools
Smart Search guidance for itemization, peer list creation, and exhibit search.

Targeted Filters for Precision Searching
Target your search by form sections, footnotes, clauses, discussion sections, tables, revenues, location, and more.

Results Provided in Context, Not Just as Isolated Keywords
Results that display the entire paragraph, item, and section where keywords are found within an entire document, allowing you to bypass having to go back to the source document.

Smart Search by Concepts – No Guessing with Proximity Operators
Our AI takes the guesswork out of trying to determine where your search term may appear. Our Smart Search feature allows you to search by concept saving you the step of having to specify the relationship of your keywords to other words.

Recursive Search for Ease
Build on your initial search by adding successive search criteria. By layering search criteria, you can drill down to disclosures that meet each additional iteration of your search.

Smart Peers and ESG/SASB Sectors
First and second-degree peers auto-populate based on your target company’s proxy filings. Add additional peers by Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) sectors and subsectors, market cap and revenue, and indices.

Largest searchable public company intelligence database
MyLoglQ is the most encompassing public company intelligence provider in the industry. Research 12,000+ public companies, nine indices, 11 SASB sectors and 77 subsectors, and 7 million+ contracts.

Deep History & Even Deeper Sources
Our database allows you to search 20+ years of SEC EDGAR data, 20+ million documents, and all active companies each year.

Search Result Analytics
Our Al will do the thinking for you if you are not sure which search parameters to use. Start with broad search terms to ensure complete results and then use our CompanylQ Analytics visual filters to validate and further filter your results by form type, form item, footnote, FYE,
and more.

Real Time Alerts
Business doesn’t sleep. Neither do our algorithms. Real-time updates as they happen sent directly to your inbox.

Source Links
Convenient links to original source documents for all filings.

Contract-Free Subcription
Free yourself from multi-year contracts.

Search Features
Advanced keyword & concept search with Boolean Operators for 20+ million SEC EDGAR documents and 350+ form types from 1994 forward
Export results as PDFs and Excel worksheets. Each footnote or paragraph appears in a separate cell with links to source documents.
Smart Search guidance for itemization & peer list creation and exhibit search
Advanced search filters such as law firm, auditor, GAAP or IFRS accounting method, and SEC Corp Fin Office
Smart Peers
First degree and second degree peers populated based on your target company’s proxy filling.
Use Quick Peers to easily create peer lists from a target company or sector
View companies which list your target company as a peer
Director Index shows companies that share a BOD director with your target company
Add more peers using SASB, SIC, market cap, or revenue.
CompanyIQ® Analytics enable advanced analysis of your search results
Apply analytics filters to further refine your search results
Pinpoint which forms, items, and footnotes contain your keywords
Organize and filter search results according to SEC filers’ year ends
Identify filings from companies that share auditors or law firms
Search Results
Preview the complete context surrounding your keywords or view full docs
View your keywords in tables or in relation to dollars or percentages
Save searches, export results, create alerts, share reports with links
Compare any documents for redline analysis of words added or removed
View incorporated exhibits or browse our Exhibit Portal for a company’s entire exhibit history
Request a Demo
Schedule a demo to see how our Al-powered research solutions can help you.

More Information
Download our SEC Disclosures brochure.

SEC Disclosures

Enhance your compliance with our AI-powered SEC EDGAR search tools

Leverage our CompanyIQ® AI and machine learning technology for precision search and analysis of 20 million+ SEC EDGAR documents and 350+ from types for all U.S. publicly traded companies.

Our industry-leading features include:

  • Searching within footnotes to financials
  • Searching form itemizations
  • Isolating keywords in search results by text
  • Isolating keywords in search results by tables
  • Isolating keywords in search results by quantification

These advanced search tools and filters allow you to target your search and eliminate false positives.

AI search features to help guide your SEC compliance research

Smart Search Tools

Smart Search guidance for itemization, peer list creation, and exhibit search.

Targeted Filters for Precision Searching

Target your search by form itemization, footnotes to financials, clauses, discussion sections, quantification, tables, revenue, location, and more.

Results Provided in Context, Not Just as Isolated Keywords

Results that display the entire paragraph, item, and section where keywords are found within an entire document, allowing you to bypass having to go back to the source document.

Smart Search by Concepts – No Guessing with Proximity Operators

Our AI takes the guesswork out of trying to determine where your search term may appear. Our Smart Search feature allows you to search by concept saving you the step of having to specify the relationship of your keywords to other words.

Recursive Search for Ease

Build on your initial search by adding successive search criteria. By layering search criteria, you can drill down to disclosures that meet each additional iteration of your search.

Smart Peers and ESG/SASB Sectors

First and second-degree peers auto-populate based on your target company’s proxy filings. Add additional peers by Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) sectors and subsectors, market cap and revenue, and indices.

Largest searchable public company intelligence database

MyLoglQ is the most encompassing public company intelligence provider in the industry. Research 12,000+ public companies, nine indices, 11 SASB sectors and 77 subsectors, and 7 million+ contracts.

Deep History & Even Deeper Sources

Our database allows you to search 20+ years of SEC EDGAR data, 20+ million documents, and all active companies each year.

Search Result Analytics

Our Al will do the thinking for you if you are not sure which search parameters to use. Start with broad search terms to ensure complete results and then use our CompanylQ® Analytics visual filters to validate and further filter your results by form type, form item, footnote, FYE,
and more.

Real Time Alerts

Business doesn’t sleep. Neither do our algorithms. Real-time updates as they happen sent directly to your inbox.

Source Links

Convenient links to original source documents for all filings.

Contract-Free Subcription

Free yourself from multi-year contracts.

Search Features
  • Advanced keyword & concept search with Boolean Operators for 20+ million SEC EDGAR documents and 350+ form types from 1994 forward
  • Export results as PDFs and Excel worksheets. Each footnote or paragraph appears in a separate cell with links to source documents.
  • Smart Search guidance for itemization & peer list creation and exhibit search
  • Advanced search filters such as law firm, auditor, GAAP or IFRS accounting method, and SEC Corp Fin Office
Smart Peers
  • First degree and second degree peers populated based on your target company's proxy filling.
  • Use Quick Peers to easily create peer lists from a target company or sector
  • View companies which list your target company as a peer
  • Director Index shows companies that share a BOD director with your target company
  • Add more peers using SASB, SIC, market cap, or revenue.
  • CompanyIQ® Analytics enable advanced analysis of your search results
  • Apply analytics filters to further refine your search results
  • Pinpoint which forms, items, and footnotes contain your keywords
  • Organize and filter search results according to SEC filers' year ends
  • Identify filings from companies that share auditors or law firms
Search Results
  • Preview the complete context surrounding your keywords or view full docs
  • View your keywords in tables or in relation to dollars or percentages
  • Save searches, export results, create alerts, share reports with links
  • Compare any documents for redline analysis of words added or removed
  • View incorporated exhibits or browse our Exhibit Portal for a company's entire exhibit history
Request a Demo

Schedule a demo to see how our Al-powered research
solutions can help you.

Request a Demo
More Information

Download our SEC Disclosures brochure.