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Audit Fees & SOX
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Audit Fees & SOX
Elevate your public company intelligence
Leverage our Al and machine learning technology to search and analyze 12+ years of continuously updated data on audit fees, tax fees, SOX, and material weaknesses.
Our features help you maximize your research time and enhance your analysis.
Create consolidated reports for Audit Fee analysis by auditor and sectors.
AII PCAOB registered auditors and companies served.
Analyze companies for: Material Weakness, Remedies, SOX-302, SOX-404, & SOX-906 compliance.
View market share, average Tax Fees, and average total fees per auditor.
Analyze SOX & Material Weakness for individual companies, sorted by auditor.
Largest searchable public company intelligence database.
Benchmark market share, audit fees, tax fees, and total fees paid per auditor and per company. Analyze SOX and material weaknesses by company. Data since 2008 by peer groups, indices, or SASS sectors. Identify auditor disagreements.
Deep History & Even Deeper Sources
Our database counts on 20+ years of historical data, over 20 million documents, more than 7,000 websites, and all active companies each year.
Instant Industry Reports
Trending topics or custom reports with overviews that provide statistical or custom summaries of esoteric data points for broad analysis. Reports also allow you to drill down into specific data points that link to original source documents.
Real-Time Alerts
Business doesn’t sleep. Neither do our algorithms. Real-time updates as they happen. Set alerts directly to your inbox.
Source Links
Convenient links to original source documents for all data points.
Contract – Free Subscription
Free yourself from multi-year contracts.
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Schedule a demo to see how our Al-powered research solutions can help you.
More Information
Download our Audit Fees & SOX brochure.

Audit Fees & SOX

Identify trends in audit fees, auditor ratification, and SOX issues

Leverage our CompanyIQ® Al and machine learning technology to search and analyze 12+ years of continuously updated data on audit fees, tax fees, SOX, and material weaknesses.

View Datapoints

AI-powered features help you benchmark audit fees and SOX compliance


Create consolidated reports for Audit Fee analysis by auditor and sectors.


AII PCAOB registered auditors and companies served.


Analyze companies for: Material Weakness, Remedies, SOX-302, SOX-404, & SOX-906 compliance.


View market share, average Tax Fees, and average total fees per auditor.


Analyze SOX & Material Weakness for individual companies, sorted by auditor.

Largest searchable public company intelligence database.

Benchmark market share, audit fees, tax fees, and total fees paid per auditor and per company. Analyze SOX and material weaknesses by company. Data since 2008 by peer groups, indices, or SASS sectors. Identify auditor disagreements.

Deep History & Even Deeper Sources

Our database counts on 20+ years of historical data, over 20 million documents, more than 7,000 websites, and all active companies each year.

Instant Industry Reports

Trending topics or custom reports with overviews that provide statistical or custom summaries of esoteric data points for broad analysis. Reports also allow you to drill down into specific data points that link to original source documents.

Real-Time Alerts

Business doesn’t sleep. Neither do our algorithms. Real-time updates as they happen. Set alerts directly to your inbox.

Source Links

Convenient links to original source documents for all data points.

Contract - Free Subscription

Free yourself from multi-year contracts.

Request a Demo

Schedule a demo to see how our Al-powered research
solutions can help you.

Request a Demo
More Information

Download our Audit Fees & SOX brochure.