CompanyIQ® Compliance and Research Solutions
SEC Disclosures
SEC Comment Letters
Executive & Director Compensation
Corporate Governance
Proxy Proposals & Shareholder Engagement
Company Charters & Policies
ESG Risk Factors, MD&A, and Accounting Standards
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Custom Research Services & API
CompanyIQ Profiles
Elevate your public company financial analysis
Leverage our AI and machine learning technology to research and analyze U.S. public company financials.
Largest searchable public company intelligence database.
Research the financial statements of thousands of U.S. public companies based on audited annual 10-K and quarterly 10-Q filings, including MD&A and Footnotes to Financials, and earnings releases.
All the Sheets
Income Statements, Balance Sheets, Cash Flow, Free Cash Flow (FCF), and non-GAAP
Deep History & Even Deeper Sources
Our database counts on 20+ years of historical data, over 20 million documents, more than 7,000 websites, and all active companies each year.
Contract Free Subscription
Free yourself from multi-year contracts.
Source Links
Convenient links to original source documents for all data points.
All the Data Points
o Statement of Comprehensive Income
o Balance Sheet
o Cash Flow
o Earnings Per Share
o Investments
o Derivatives
o Fair Market Measurements
o Inventories
o Property & Equipment
o Intangible Assets
o Debt
o Income Taxes
o Unearned Revenue
o Leases
o Stockholder Equity
o Employee Stock & Savings Plan
o Pension
Our features help you maximize your research time and enhance your analysis.
Financial Data Mapping
Compare normalized financial data, sourced from HTML filings since 1994, across companies
Benchmark thousands of normalized fundamental table and footnote datapoints
Benchmark 15 years of MD&A data and 10 years of non-GAAP reconciliations
Identify stealth changes between earnings releases and 10-Qs and 10-Ks
Identify non-GAAP usage and adjustments for all traded companies
Benchmark thousands of datapoints extracted from earnings releases
Compare non-GAAP reconciliations across companies
Identify adjustments and differences in each period
Non-GAAP Reconciliations
Instantly view GAAP and non-GAAP reconciliations
Benchmark 10 years of non-GAAP analysis
All datapoints linked to source documents
Benchmark time series of MD&A data
Identify all MD&A data for all traded companies
Export in Excel, JSON, and XML
All datapoints linked to source documents
Request a Demo
Schedule a demo to see how our Al-powered research solutions can help you.


Elevate your public company financial analysis

Leverage our CompanyIQ® AI and machine learning technology to research and analyze U.S. public company financials.

Largest searchable public company intelligence database.

Research the financial statements of thousands of U.S. public companies based on audited annual 10-K and quarterly 10-Q filings, including MD&A and Footnotes to Financials, and earnings releases.

All the Sheets

Income Statements, Balance Sheets, Cash Flow, Free Cash Flow (FCF), and non-GAAP

Deep History & Even Deeper Sources

Our database counts on 20+ years of historical data, over 20 million documents, more than 7,000 websites, and all active companies each year.

Contract Free Subscription

Free yourself from multi-year contracts.

Source Links

Convenient links to original source documents for all data points.

All the Data Points

o Statement of Comprehensive Income
o Balance Sheet
o Cash Flow
o Earnings Per Share
o Investments
o Derivatives
o Fair Market Measurements
o Inventories
o Property & Equipment
o Intangible Assets
o Debt
o Income Taxes
o Unearned Revenue
o Leases
o Stockholder Equity
o Employee Stock & Savings Plan
o Pension

Our features help you maximize your research time and enhance your analysis of annual and quarterly reports and performance.

Financial Data Mapping
  • Compare normalized financial data, sourced from HTML filings since 1994, across companies
  • Benchmark thousands of normalized fundamental table and footnote datapoints
  • Benchmark 15 years of MD&A data and 10 years of non-GAAP reconciliations
  • Identify stealth changes between earnings releases and 10-Qs and 10-Ks
  • Identify non-GAAP usage and adjustments for all traded companies
  • Benchmark thousands of datapoints extracted from earnings releases
  • Compare non-GAAP reconciliations across companies
  • Identify adjustments and differences in each period
Non-GAAP Reconciliations
  • Instantly view GAAP and non-GAAP reconciliations
  • Benchmark 10 years of non-GAAP analysis
  • All datapoints linked to source documents
  • Benchmark time series of MD&A data
  • Identify all MD&A data for all traded companies
  • Export in Excel, JSON, and XML
  • All datapoints linked to source documents
Request a Demo

Schedule a demo to see how our Al-powered research
solutions can help you.

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