CompanyIQ® Compliance and Research Solutions
SEC Disclosures
SEC Comment Letters
Executive & Director Compensation
Corporate Governance
Proxy Proposals & Shareholder Engagement
Company Charters & Policies
ESG Risk Factors, MD&A, and Accounting Standards
Audit Fees & SOX
Institutional Ownership & Activist Investors
Custom Research Services & API
CompanyIQ Profiles
Insititutional Ownership
Elevate your public company intelligence
Leverage our AI and machine learning technology to search and analyze institutional ownership and activist investors from Schedule 13 D/G beneficial owner filings.
Largest searchable public company intelligence database.
Research the institutional ownership and activist investors for thousands of U.S. public companies based on Schedule 13 D/G beneficial owner filings.
Deep History & Even Deeper Sources
Our database counts on 20+ years of historical data, over 20 million documents, more than 7,000 websites, and all active companies each year.
Contract Free Subscription
Free yourself from multi-year contracts.
Source Links
Convenient links to original source documents for all data points.
Our features help you maximize your research time and enhance your analysis.
Ownership Filings
View ownership data extracted from SEC filings
Co-relate voting shares with owners and proxy votes
Identify activist investor positions
Research activist investor letters to management
Ownership Detail
Determine all beneficial owners per company
Research aggregate amount owned and percentage
Distinguish between sole and shared voting and dispositive power
Benchmark holdings changes over time
Identify activist investor positions
Institutional Holders Overview
Map companies to ownership funds
Identify changes in beneficial ownership for each period
Filter by top 5% and top 10% owners, aggregate amount, and voting power
Benchmark more than 15 years of ownership data
Request a Demo
Schedule a demo to see how our Al-powered research solutions can help you.

Institutional Ownership & Activist Investors

Unlock Schedule 13 D/G Filings

Leverage our CompanyIQ® AI and machine learning technology to search and analyze institutional owners and their ESG policies and voting and activist investors from Schedule 13 D/G beneficial owner filings.

Largest searchable public company intelligence database.

Research the institutional ownership and activist investors for thousands of U.S. public companies based on Schedule 13 D/G beneficial owner filings.

Deep History & Even Deeper Sources

Our database counts on 20+ years of historical data, over 20 million documents, more than 7,000 websites, and all active companies each year.

Contract Free Subscription

Free yourself from multi-year contracts.

Source Links

Convenient links to original source documents for all data points.

AI-powered search features help you maximize your research time and enhance your shareholder analysis.

Ownership Filings
  • View ownership data extracted from SEC filings
  • Co-relate voting shares with owners and proxy votes
  • Identify activist investor positions
  • Research activist investor letters to management
Ownership Detail
  • Determine all beneficial owners per company
  • Research aggregate amount owned and percentage
  • Distinguish between sole and shared voting and dispositive power
  • Benchmark holdings changes over time
  • Identify activist investor positions
Institutional Holders Overview
  • Map companies to ownership funds
  • Identify changes in beneficial ownership for each period
  • Filter by top 5% and top 10% owners, aggregate amount, and voting power
  • Benchmark more than 15 years of ownership data
Request a Demo

Schedule a demo to see how our Al-powered research
solutions can help you.

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